When Taking Your Idea to Market

When Taking Your Idea to Market

Everyone at some point has had an idea that they think will change the world. Who hasn’t been in a bar or the shower at one point or another in their lives and thought, “I’ve got an excellent idea. It’s the future.” While it is great to have an idea, there are a few...
Inventor of the Month – Who is Nikola Tesla?

Inventor of the Month – Who is Nikola Tesla?

Nikola Tesla was born on July 10, 1856 in Smiljan, Austrian Empire (which is modern day Croatia) and died on January 7, 1943 in New York City, New York at the age of 86. His father Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest and his mother Duka Tesla, was an inventor...
What Are Patent Trolls Costing Us?

What Are Patent Trolls Costing Us?

What Are Patent Trolls Costing Us? In a recent move, the Obama Administration has cracked down on “patent trolls,” in an effort to stop them from influencing and utilizing the patent system for solely financial gain. But what is a patent troll and what do they cost...

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