Check out this article written by Robert Hartland, who is a professional designer and photographer and writes for Smashing Magazine. With over seven years of experience working on projects for top brands he has come up with three key steps to think about when making your innovative ideas happen.The first step is idea conception. We all have had those “Ah Ha” moments in our lives when we thought “wouldn’t this be a great idea…” only to get swept up by work, finances and just everyday life. Robert Hartland says the important thing to remember is to make sure you have a goal in mind of what you want your idea/product to be. Start out with a few thoughts or themes and see what happens. A lot of people think that their idea is innovative when in reality it is merely an improvement on an already existing product/idea. The important thing is not to get discouraged; you can still create something amazing.The next step would be to nurture new ideas. To be truly innovative, Robert believes you should take opposing thoughts and combine them, which increases the innovative potential of your idea. The most important thing to remember when taking your idea/product from your head to market, don’t lose your determination, you must have that “push through failure” attitude. No one’s idea is perfect the first time around and no one’s idea has success right away. It takes time, determination and a few bumps in the road to get to where you want to be. Think of this, Picasso had made around 20,000 (as high as 50,000) works of art in his lifetime and Einstein published 240 papers with a short number of successful creations. So don’t lose hope, you will prevail.The last step would be how to pick a successful idea. As stated in the previous step no one’s idea is perfect the first time around. When you have an idea you have to be open to making adjustments along the way. It is suggested that once you define your first small step then it is very important to take baby steps. Taking baby steps will help overcome challenges, utilize resources more efficiently and help you on the road to success. Stay motivated and move forward because it will eventually lead you to success. Product Design helps individuals design, develop and protect their new inventions and/or ideas. We can help you get your idea from your head to an actual product that you then can go and present to companies and/or investors. Our team comprises of award winning design engineers, researchers, business development professionals and Intellectual Property experts, with experience in all areas of IP, product design and manufacture. For more information please reach out to us through e-mail at or by phone at 415-970-5276.

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