
Linking inventors to industry


Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that there are roughly 4 million births in the United States every year. That means that each year, there are roughly 4 million women who may be seeking relief from common pregnancy symptoms such as the following:
Joint Pain, Backache and Pelvic Pressure
Leg Cramps
Chest Area Soreness
Discomfort in the Hands
Frequent Urination
Learn how Innovate Product Design helps entrepreneurs and inventors tap into the high demand for great ideas for new pregnancy products.
Pregnancy can often be an extremely uncomfortable experience for mothers-to-be. Products designed to help temporarily alleviate some of the discomforts such as back pain or cramping are always in high demand. Read on to learn more!

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PregniPillow – Pregnancy Sleep Aid Product

Inventor Paul Dumbrill had an idea for an inflatable pillow specially designed to aid pregnant women having difficulty getting a good night of sleep due to general discomfort. He approached Innovate Product Design to get assistance with taking a general concept and transforming into a specific and marketable product idea. Upon engaging with Innovate, the following services were rendered:
An evaluation of the viability of the product and market opportunity was conducted
The product design team was utilized to help fully visualize the details of the product, and the variety of the applications it could be used for.
Photorealistic computer aided drawings (CAD) visualizations were rendered
Manufacturers were approached about the opportunity to develop the product
In 2011, Mr. Dumbrill successfully launched his PregniPillow, and today it is sold online alongside a pregnancy photo enhancement service.

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