
Linking inventors to industry



Many ideas have been patented but never made it to market. After general market research on the internet, a US or worldwide patent search for similar ideas is always a great way to assess the viability of your idea.

Before commencing with development, it is often wise to consider what others are doing in the same field before spending a lot of time and effort producing a design. Spend some time on the internet before spending a thing. The world’s best source of information about ideas are the worldwide patent application databases. Although it is not essential to conduct a United States or global patent search/review before filing a patent application or developing your invention, it is often a good idea because:
It will help you later when you are developing your idea for a new product by showing you what others have already thought of;
It allows you to review commercial prospects and helps an informed decision about filing a patent application; and
It should help you achieve the broadest application and claims possible by showing you what parts of your idea may be new.

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We can review our commercial international databases for previously filed patent documents, granted, pending or failed applications, anywhere in the world that might anticipate your invention. This will provide you with a broad based view of the size of the field of your invention, where the fences are, and who else might be in the field with you. For patenting purposes an official search will need to be completed by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) once a patent application has been drafted. A USPTO patent search is not a YES or NO answer as to the patentability of the product: it is simply to establish the best way to proceed, giving you an idea of the field of your invention, who is in it, how many people are in it, what they have already thought of. Our background in design and development can help you contextualise the results.

With subscriptions to commercial databases, Innovate can conduct a worldwide patent search and provide a detailed background review of similar patent documents, aiming to provide help in development as well as information about existing protection. There are various potential outcomes which is why we provide a consultation to establish the next best commercial step for you and your project. Although there are patent databases available online, these do not necessarily contain everything you need and can be very time-consuming to navigate.

With a team of trained researchers, Innovate can help conduct a thorough search for your peace of mind.

If you wish to commission a worldwide patent search on your idea with Innovate Design the first stage is to complete the initial review by sending your idea to us – Online Idea Review For more information on the patent application process click here: Idea Protection – Patent Application…

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The material in this website is commercially focused and generalized information and opinion about successfully working within the existing legal framework of Intellectual Property, patents and patent law; and should in no way be viewed or construed as legal advice. Advisors at Innovate are not and will not be lawyers unless this is specifically stated.